Phone Banking | Medium Business | Ameriabank
My Ameria
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750 մլն - 2 մլրդ ՀՀ դրամ տարեկան շրջանառություն ունեցող բիզնեսի համար

Lots of travel, new deals, new contracts, new goals and constant shortage of time? All our services are tailored to meet your needs and goals. With Ameria Phone Banking you can make a number of banking transactions without visiting the bank. It is very easy to use phone banking with the Zangi app. Download the application from App Store or Google Play and call our Contact Center at +37410 561111, DM us on Facebook or send a message in our Live Chat room on Ameriabank’s official website to activate the phone banking service. Once you activate the service, dial 4521 to connect with us on Zangi. Phone banking is also available via mobile and landline phones.


What do I do if I have lost or forgotten my phone banking password?

When you activate the phone banking service, you receive the password via SMS. If you have lost or forgotten your password, please visit the nearest Ameriabank branch to recover it. You will need to provide a personal identification document.

Can I give my phone banking password to others to check my account and make transactions on behalf of me?

Your phone banking password is there to protect your banking information. It is not advisable to disclose it to other people. If you have a joint account, all account holders will need to know the password.

What transactions can I perform by Phone Banking?

Via phone banking you can perform most of your routine banking operations. You can check your account balance, make transfers between your own accounts and to accounts of you partners with Ameriabank and elsewhere. You can also pay utility bills and:

  • Set transaction amount and exchange rate for currency conversion transactions, perform non-cash conversions
  • Get information about your bank agreements and available services
  • Open new accounts (if you already have one)
  • Close your account, provided it is not the only account you have with Ameriabank
  • Freeze and unfreeze your account and perform other actions with it
  • Order an additional card
  • Request to re-issue or close payment cards
  • Block and unblock cards
  • Submit transaction dispute claims
  • Change transaction limits and restrictions
  • Activate and deactivate the VBV service
  • Perform other actions related to account service
  • Make bank deposits
  • Make additions to existing deposits
  • Close deposits
  • Make early loan payments (partial)
  • Cancel your instructions to the Bank
  • Modify the orders given to the bank via Phone Banking and the personal data registered in the bank (other than the phone number)

See the full account information here.

  1. Receive information about
  • Current bank account balances, turnover and transactions
  • Outstanding loans and payment schedules
  • Deposit account balances and interest accrued.
  1. Define FX transaction amounts and exchange rates by phone

 Provision of information on account turnover by phone

 AMD 10,000 annually

Defining exchange rates
