E-Commerce | Medium Business | Ameriabank
My Ameria
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For businesses with AMD 750M-2B annual turnover

Selling online nowadays has become increasingly important for business success.

We have developed tailored and favorable e-commerce solutions for you to support acceptance of online payments with local and international cards. Using our offer you may start accepting payments through the website or a mobile app via Visa, MasterCard, Mir and ArCa payment systems.

To simplify online payments and make the website configuration process easier for you, we have developed vPOS (virtual POS terminal) free software tool, which enables the merchant to avoid issues with time-consuming development, configuration, certification and further modification of software. Now you have a fast and secure solution for accepting online card payments.

Using this service you will have:

  • Effective system for technical support and software updates involving directly the merchant and Ameriabank, without any processing center
  • Full advice and support by the Bank’s technical staff
  • Customized approach based on the specifics of business of each partner


Exceptionally simplified procedure of merchant registration via our vPOS tool


Online payments via our vPOS are secure being protected with 3D Secure/Secure Code technology.


You may also enable the card binding and recurrent payment features on the website which will make payments faster and more convenient for the users.