Ameria Phone POS | Ameriabank
My Ameria
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What is Ameria PhonePOS?

We have designed a new non-cash payment tool - Ameria PhonePOS

AmeriaPhonePOS is an application enabling you to use your smartphone as a POS-terminal and receive non-cash payments anywhere (at a grocery, greengrocery, cafe or when handing in the delivery).

To activate the service, just visit any branch of the Bank and fill in the Merchant Registration Application form.


Service of "ArCa", "MasterCard" and "Visa" cards

Without an additional device

Suitable for all businesses

Security and safety

Ameria PhonePOS is always in your smartphone

By using Ameria PhonePOS you can

Activate the service on phones running software of Android 8.1 and higher categories, with NFC function

Receive non-cash payments, without a physical POS-terminal

Receive payments anywhere in a convenient, fast and reliable manner

Control your reports

Activate the service and get free maintenance

Activate Ameria PhonePOS app in only 5 business days

Don't worry about crashes or battery life

Phone with Phone POS screen


Terms and conditions