E-Commerce | Micro and Small Business | Ameriabank
My Ameria
Մոբայլ բանկինգ


Effective system for technical support and software updates involving directly the merchant and Ameriabank, without any processing center

Full advice and support by the Bank’s technical staff

Customized approach based on the specifics of business of each partner


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Exceptionally simplified procedure of merchant registration via our vPOS tool

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Online payments via our vPOS are secure being protected with 3D Secure/Secure Code technology.

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You may also enable the card binding and recurrent payment features on the website which will make payments faster and more convenient for the users.

With more than one account-holders, their authorities are defined under account opening agreement and approved signature cards. In case of a joint account, all persons opening the account are required to sign the account opening agreement.




When it comes to non-cash payments, a tool to accept such payments nowadays is a must for merchants and service providers. Our POS-terminal installation service is specially designed to help you handle this issue.

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Online shop

Launch your online business today Start accepting payments via website and mobile application.

Terms and conditions

Phone POS

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AmeriaPhonePOS is an application enabling you to use your smartphone as a POS-terminal and receive non-cash payments anywhere.

Customs Card

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A customs card is a convenient tool designed to make handling customs and tax payments at the customs offices easy and hassle-free.

Business card

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You may withdraw money available on the card in cash via our ATMs and cashing devices.