My Ameria
Մոբայլ բանկինգ
Medium Business

Accounts and

The way your business grows and develops
we make together


Business Account

Every business has its own specifics and requirements, needs and approaches. If you are looking for smart and effective solutions that meet your business goals, you can count on our support. We offer tailored services that can be the key to development of your business and take it to the next level.

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Metal Accounts

We offer an alternative option for keeping money. If you have a metal account in gold, you can spare yourself the trouble of saving in different currencies and worrying about exchange rate risks.

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Escrow Account

We find it very important that you enter new markets, expand your footprint, scale up cooperation with other companies, and find major reliable partners. When you plan ahead and design new projects, you may rely on our services and unconditional support as your best partner.

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Ameria Deposit

We offer a wide choice of deposit options to meet your needs. The versatility of our deposit options enables you to add and, within a certain limit, withdraw sums from your deposit account during the deposit term.

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Account Management

Remote account management


Transfers to Armenian and foreign banks both in AMD and in foreign currency/p>

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Trade Finance Tools

We will help you find effective and fast solutions for your business development.

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Payroll projects

We have developed this special project for your team members to get paid in an easy and convenient manner and to avail themselves of various benefits.

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Business card

Convenient, beneficial and safe, these are just a few features out of many that we have in mind while developing products for your business. With a business card, you may have access to money any time you need it.

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Last updated on 29.09.2021, 11:14