Metal Accounts
My Ameria
Մոբայլ բանկինգ
Gold icon
in 999.9 purity gold only

Opening accounts

Account icon
Without minimum balance requirement

for accounts

Paper gold recorded in grams to two decimal places

For paper gold on metal accounts

Metal Accounts

We offer an alternative option for keeping money. If you have a metal account in gold, you can spare yourself the trouble of saving in different currencies and worrying about exchange rate risks.

Metal accounts are designed to take record of and deal in your paper gold. The only data required for opening a metal account are the purity and weight of gold.

Balance on metal account can be converted into any currency at our exchange rates (non- cash).


earn on rise in global price for gold

less impact of exchange rate volatilities

no risk of fraud in contrast to buying physical gold

saving time

no risk of loss or damage

highly liquid: you can sell the gold to the Bank at any time at the then-effective rate

no time or amount limits for investing

opening accounts in 999.9 purity gold only no minimum card account balance required

paper gold recorded in grams with accuracy of 0.01


How do I purchase gold for a metal account?

You can purchase paper gold from the Bank or make transfers from a metal account owned by you or others.

How do I withdraw gold from my metal account?

You can withdraw gold from your account by selling the gold to the Bank, or by transferring it to your or others’ metal accounts. The Bank purchases gold at its quotations. Buy and sell rates defined by the Bank per 1g of gold are used.

No deposits or withdrawals are required for operations via metal accounts.
Buying and selling of paper gold is performed based on your request, which should contain the essential terms (price, date due and weight) of the transaction.
Transfers between metal accounts with Ameriabank are free of charge, transfers to other Armenian banks and foreign banks are subject to contractual fees and rates.

How do I deposit gold into my metal account?

No deposits or withdrawals of physical gold are required for operations via metal accounts.

Buying and selling of paper gold are performed based on your request which should contain the essential terms (price, date due and weight) of the transaction.

Transfers between metal accounts with Ameriabank are free of charge, transfers to other Armenian banks and foreign banks are subject to contractual fees and rates.

Full account information can be found here.

Business Account

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We are here by your side to provide the required innovative services, to support your company’s uninterrupted activities and growth.

Escrow Account

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When you plan ahead and design new projects, you may rely on our services and unconditional support as your best partner.

Ameria Deposit

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The versatility of our deposit options enables you to add and, within a certain limit, withdraw sums from your deposit account during the deposit term.

Last updated on 29.09.2021, 09:46