Yerevan Ride | Special Offer | Ameriabank
My Ameria
Մոբայլ բանկինգ

Yerevan Ride packages

green checkmark icon
AMD 1000

Daily Package

green checkmark icon
AMD 2000

3-day package

green checkmark icon
AMD 9000

Monthly package

green checkmark icon
AMD 49000

Annual package

How should I use this app?


Find a free bike

Find a free bike by using the application.


Scan the QR

Scan the QR code and ride a green bike.


Park the bike on pavement

Park the bike on pavement in a pedestrian-free area.


Be careful!

Lock the bike. Enjoy Yerevan with YerevanRide.

Enjoy Yerevan with YerevanRide.

You can download the application from App Store or Google Play.

With more than one account-holders, their authorities are defined under the account opening agreement and approved signature cards. All persons who open the account are required to sign the account opening agreement.

Student Card

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Visa Student card is the starting point for your best banking experience. It will enable you to manage your own funds and save money.

MyAmeria online/mobile banking

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MyAmeria makes it possible to perform the key banking operations on iOS, Android and Web platforms without visiting the bank.


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Open an account online and become an Ameriabank customer within minutes

Last updated on 11.10.2021 10:13