News | Ameriabank
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Dear customers, due to the technical works being carried out on the official website of Ameriabank, the website will not be available from 19:00-22:00 Yerevan time on 19.04.21. In case of questions, please call (010) 561111. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Ameriabank announces the "What, where, when?" contest (hereinafter: Contest) on the official page of the Bank registered on the social website (Facebook).
Ameriabank makes a special offer on the occasion of Black Friday. S.t. Apply on November 23 and get an Ameriabank payment card with the following discounted rates
Ameriabank on November 20 at 20:00 organizes a panel discussion on the topic "Obstacles to the development of SMEs and ways to overcome them", which will be broadcast live on Ameriabank's Facebook page.
The seventh coupon payment of AMAMRBB24ER7 bonds has been made We inform you that in 2018, "Ameriabank" CJSC on November 1, the payment of the seventh coupon of AMAMRBB24ER7 bonds was carried out.
At the "AMX Awards 2019" held by the Armenian Stock Exchange and the Central Depository, Ameriabank won two awards:
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