News | Ameriabank
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During the 28th annual award ceremony of the best banks in the world held by Global Finance, Ameriabank was recognized as the winner of "Best Bank 2021". in the nomination. The award was given taking into account the Bank's achievements, innovative approaches and opportunities.
We are happy to inform you that the annual maintenance fee for the Stickers provided with the payment card has changed to 3,000 AMD instead of 5,000 AMD.
The terms of time deposits of natural persons in RF rubles have been changed, which will come into force from April 1 of this year and will be extended to new and renewed deposits from April 1 of this year.
Ameriabank has opened its new semi-digital "Dalma" branch in the shopping center "Dalma Garden Mall" at 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway in Yerevan, turning on another green light for its customers.

"Discover Armenia"

15 Mar, 2021 | Announcements, All |
You can familiarize yourself with the list in the "Hotels" subsection of the "Awards" section of the Campaign website.
Ambitious goals and new challenges of entering international capital markets. Kakhaber Kiknavelidze's interview is about the Bank's activities, development prospects and new opportunities.
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