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Mastercard cardholders, using Yandex Go and paying with Ameriabank's Mastercard, continue to receive special discounts until May 31. • 20% discount for Mastercard Platinum • 10% discount for Maestro, Mastercard Standard, Mastercard Gold, Mastercard Business cards. The discount will be given automatically, without the need for you to take any action. It should be noted that the discount offer does not apply if you use the above service by cash payment.

Visa Direct transfers

03 May, 2021 | Announcements, All |
Get card-to-card Visa Direct transfers with more favorable terms. Receive money from abroad to your Visa card from any Visa card and get a cashback of 1000 AMD. Cardholders of any type of Visa card can participate in the campaign, subject to compliance with the basic conditions presented below. Promotion valid from April 26, 2021 to July 26, 2021 inclusive.
We continue to discover Armenia. Until May 31 inclusive, Ameriabank cardholders can reserve rooms at Amberd Hotel with a 35% discount and use the pub with a 15% discount.
Ameriabank CJSC  has issued and is publicly offering nominal coupon book-entry bonds during the period from May 03, 2021 to July 09, 2021, inclusive, with the following terms and conditions:
we inform you that On May 1, the Sayat-Nova branch will not operate due to the repair works. If you need to carry out transactions in the bank's branches, you can visit our other branches operating on non-working days and with extended working hours.
В окончательных условиях номинальных купонных бездокументарных облигаций ЗАО «АМЕРИАБАНК», публичное размещения которых началось с 12 апреля 2021 года (далее - Облигации), произошла перемена. Дата окончания размещения устанавливается в 30 апреля 2021г, вместо 22 июня 2021г. Все остальные условия размещения выпуска остались неизменными. 
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