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Term deposit campaign

17 Aug, 2015 | Announcements, All |
During the specified period, Ameriabank offers an additional interest rate for foreign currency deposits to all individual clients who will simultaneously invest any amount (in accordance with the limits of the amounts set by the "Ameria" deposit terms) in AMD and foreign currency term deposits.
We inform you that this year As of August 3, Ameriabank has limited gold collateral lending for a two-month period, as it will be exclusively carried out with the security of the gold collateral already pledged in the Bank, under the condition of which the annuity (equal monthly principal amount) loan repayment method will be applicable when granting new loans, valid for one year. with a maximum deadline.
We inform you that from now on Amerabank CJSC "Arshakunyats" branch will work from Monday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 23:00, instead of the previous working hours of 10:00-22:00.
We inform you that this year on July 13, only Ameriabank's head office, "Sayat-Nova" and "Komitas" branches will work from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., as well as "Arshakunyats" branch from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
At the request of a number of participants, Ameriabank extends the term of the "Banking in Unpredictable Situations" competition. The deadline for submitting photos is set until s. year July 10 (24:00) inclusive. And the period of collection of likes is defined until s. year July 17 (24:00).
We would like to inform you that "Ameriabank" CJSC has implemented changes in the tariffs for services intended for individual customers.
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