News | Ameriabank
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Users of MyAmeria application are offered to discover all features of the new application, to take advantage of new services and privileges.
To be a trusted financial technology space with seamless solutions to improve the quality of life. As part of its digital transformation process, Ameriabank has been implementing comprehensive projects recently. The last press conference held by Ameriabank focused on the new features and prospects offered by Ameria Business digital platform, one of such projects.

Dear Client,
Please be informed that the following documents of Ameriabank CJSC (the “Bank”) currently in force have been amended:

Ameriabank has completed the testing phase of the new MyAmeria mobile application and prepared a few surprises for active users.
Global Finance has announced its annual rankings of the World’s Safest Banks 2022, with Ameriabank named the Safest Bank in Armenia for the second year in a row.
The debut bond issues of Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine CJSC (ZCMC), the largest mining company in Armenia, for the total amount of USD 50 million and AMD 2.5 billion have been fully redeemed on September 30, 2022, marking successful completion of the largest corporate bond transaction ever executed in Armenia. Ameriabank acted as the underwriter and market-maker of ZCMC’s bonds, thus once again putting into action its policy of supporting the economy of RA and the securities market, in par...
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