News | Ameriabank
My Ameria
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If you have to make transactions on March 8, note that the following branches working long hours will be open to serve you:
SPRING PR will again host its annual International Doing Digital Forum (DDF) on 3 April in Yerevan.
Ameriabank has revised its car loan terms. From now on car loans by Ameriabank will be provided without provisioning, maintenance and early repayment fees.
Ameriabank (the Bank) has reached an agreement with the BOGG (the Group), a UK registered financial group, to join the latter as a standalone entity and the Group to become the main shareholder of the Bank, with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) retaining their 10% shareholding in Ameriabank.
Ameriabank retains absolute leadership in the banking sector of Armenia by the mortgage loan portfolio, with 21.3% market share (December 31, 2023).
Please note that henceforth users of MyAmeria can withdraw cash with the help of the new service - “Cash withdrawal via MyAmeria”.
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