My Ameria, My Armenia - New Project by Ameriabank - News | Ameriabank
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My Ameria, My Armenia - New Project by Ameriabank

17 Oct, 2024 | Press release | Return|

Ameriabank is launching the project “My Ameria, My Armenia” and the three campaigns implemented within the framework of the project - “My Ameria, My Armenia”, “My Ameria, My Home”, and “My Armenia, My Future”. The purpose of the project and the campaigns is to bring people together around implementation of Ameriabank’s mission and improve the quality of life together.

During the press conference held in Yerevan, Artak Hanesyan, Chairman of the Management Board-CEO of Ameriabank, and Arman Barseghyan, Retail Banking Director of Ameriabank, presented the goals of the campaigns and the details of participation.       

 My Ameria, My Armenia - Selection of CSR field

Ameriabank invites everyone to join “My Ameria, My Armenia” campaign and this time together select the fields that will get AMD 100 million from Ameriabank’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) and charity budget. 

There are 8 fields on the vote - children’s healthcare, education, sustainable development, SME, information technologies, science, culture and sport. Voting will be conducted from October 16 to December 31, inclusive. 

To be noted that Ameria has already implemented charity and CSR projects in all those fields for the total amount of more than AMD 2.7 billion.

 “My Ameria, My Home” - large promotional lottery

Till the end of the year, Ameria is organizing a large lottery, which emphasizes the importance of living in Armenia and settling down here, offering the current and new clients of the Bank the chance to win an apartment in one of the new buildings in Yerevan. To take part in the large lottery, clients can accumulate promo codes until December 31.

There are many options to get a promo code - open an account with Ameriabank, order a card, login to MyAmeria, make transactions with MyAmeria, pay with MyPay, make transactions with MyInvest, invite friends to become Ameriabank clients, obtain a mortgage or car loan at online platforms, or open an account on Ameria Business platform.

The more promo codes the clients get, the bigger their chance to win a house will be.

 “My Armenia, My Future” - contest for students

The goal of the third campaign implemented within the framework of this project is to identify and encourage proactive students with flexible and brilliant mindset, who care for the future of Armenia. Ameriabank and VISA announce a contest for all students of public and private universities of Armenia. The best students based on the contest results will get a chance to win three awards.

  • 160 monthly scholarships of AMD 50,000 each, to be paid for 5 months during the second semester of the academic year 2024-2025.
  • The authors of the best 10 projects will get a chance to attend a short-term educational program at one of the world’s leading universities.
  • Funding for the best 3 projects titled “My Armenia, My Future” for the total maximum amount of AMD 10 million.

To take part in the contest, applicants should be students of the academic year 2024-2025 and holders of Ameriabank’s Visa Student card.        

  1. To qualify for scholarship, applicants should be at least second-year students, get the highest score for the test and have the highest GPA (no less than 65%).
  2. To compete for project funding and/or for participation in an educational program at one of the best universities of the world, the participants need to get the highest score both for the test and project evaluation (regardless of the GPA).

The projects will be evaluated by an independent jury composed of representatives of Ameriabank, a representative of Visa company, and independent specialists from different sectors.

The details and terms of participation in all three campaigns implemented under the project “My Ameria, My Armenia” are posted on website.  

During the event, Artak Hanesyan, Chairman of the Management Board-CEO of Ameriabank, also briefly presented several performance indicators of the Bank. Namely:

  1. In the course of its activities, Ameriabank has received over 100 awards from prestigious international magazines, with 30 of them as the best bank in Armenia. This year, the Bank has already received 10 awards, including 2 awards from Euromoney and Global Finance magazines, again as the best bank in Armenia.
  2. The Bank has raised more than USD 1 billion from international financial organizations and allotted the funds for development of Armenia’s economy.
  3. Ameriabank has provided more than AMD 500 billion for development of the Armenian SME sector.
  4. For the 10th year in a row, Ameriabank is the leader by the loan portfolio size - more than AMD 1.13 trillion (as of September 30, 2024).
  5. For the past 5 years, Ameriabank has been the largest taxpayer bank in Armenia - taxes for the amount of around AMD 58 billion have been paid to the state budget.

"We are very happy that each of our achievements is reflected in various sectors of Armenia’s economy, in the lives of people living in our country and in business”, - Artak Hanesyan stated in his speech.