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The second coupon payment for AMAMRBB2CER2 bonds has been made We inform you that in 2019, "Ameriabank" CJSC on February 04, the payment of the second coupon of AMAMRBB2CER2 bonds was carried out.
We inform you that from 01/08/2020 the following base interest rates have been set: AMD: 6.5%, USD: 1.5%, Euro: 0.5%.
We inform you that due to the introduction of new technologies in payment cards, certain changes are being made in the Mastercard Standard card type, as a result of which this card type will be closed until 30.05.2019.
The payment of the eighth coupon of bonds AMAMRBB24ER7 has been made We inform you that in 2019, "Ameriabank" CJSC on February 1, the payment of the eighth coupon of AMAMRBB24ER7 bonds was made.
We inform you that the interest rates of "Ameria" deposit have been changed. The mentioned changes will be effective from 01.02.2019. Existing deposits will be subject to the new interest rates upon renewal.
We inform you that this year On January 28, Ameriabank's branches listed below will serve
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