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Dear customers, we would like to inform you that a number of creative methods - fake raffles or winnings - are widespread on the Internet, through which a third party aims to illegally take over your bank data and, as the final goal, financial funds.
Dear customers, we inform you that these days, taking into account the measures taken to prevent the coronavirus in RA, Ameriabank branches are working at maximum capacity
Attempts to gain access to personal and banking data through forgery have intensified recently. Fraudsters generally aim to extract personal information from you by using it for fraudulent or fraudulent purposes.
Update of the statement made on 13.03.2020. Dear customers, in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and to avoid the accumulation of people in the bank's branches, Ameriabank has made a decision that all the customers of the Bank who are natural persons and sole proprietors. from March 13 to May 13, inclusive, to provide an opportunity to use a "credit holiday".
Ameriabank, as a company with high social responsibility, follows the health norms and is guided exclusively by the priority of the health of all of us.
Ameriabank informs that, due to the current situation, the date of holding the lottery of the Yerevan Ride bicycle advertising campaign jointly implemented by the Bank and "Velvio" company is postponed.