News | Ameriabank
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Taking care of your safety, since the first days of the spread of the pandemic, we have come up with preferential offers of our online services, saving you from the need to visit the bank.
Due to the situation created in our country, the date of the draw of the "Discover Armenia" campaign and the publication of the names of the winning participants has been postponed from October 15 to November 16.

Review of credit terms

01 Oct, 2020 | Announcements, All |
We inform you that the credit obligations of our clients included in the following groups have been reviewed:


30 Sep, 2020 | Announcements, All |
We would like to inform you that at this moment, due to a communication problem, remote communication tools, including remote services, will be temporarily unavailable.
Our clients can follow the process of outgoing transfers through Online/Mobile banking 24/7, get information about the full amount reaching the beneficiary's bank without making additional requests.
We would like to inform you that the terms and conditions of AMD term deposits made by online/mobile banking systems of individual and legal entity customers have been changed, which will come into force on September 17 of this year.
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