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According to the Republic of Armenia Law On Non-Cash Transactions (the “Law”), starting from July 1, 2022, payments under any transaction for the amount exceeding AMD 300,000 specified in the law and executed in Armenia should be in a non-cash manner.
According to the Law, any entity engaged in trade or provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the “Merchant”), other than kiosks, must provide a possibility of card payments upon the customer’s wish.
We inform you that the terms of retail lending of "Ameriabank" CJSC Business have been changed. The changes will be effective from October 27 of this year.
"Ameriabank" CJSC (hereinafter: "Bank" or "Ameriabank") announces "We are, our roots" (hereinafter: "Competition") on the Bank's official page of the social network (hereinafter: "Facebook")
Emphasizing the interest in non-cash transactions, Ameriabank presents itself with VISA company with another offer /hereafter "Campaign"/.
Ameriabank provides an opportunity to take advantage of the grace period for the payment of credit obligations* of Individuals under the description below, committed to the Bank until 30/06/2022.
The document "AMERIABANK CJSC" LOYALTY PROGRAM TERMS FOR INDIVIDUAL PERSONS" (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") will be recognized as invalid as of 06/14/2022.