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Two different photos must be submitted to the competition. one should show you and the other should show your mother, grandmother or child around the same age as you.
We inform you that "Ameriabank" CJSC Lending Terms for Individuals (changes here) and Business Retail Lending Terms (changes here) have been changed. The changes will be effective from March 9 of this year.
We inform you that the "Arshakunyats" branch of Ameriabank starting from February 22, it will work from Monday to Sunday, h. 10:30-21:30.
We inform you that Ameriabank "Sayat-Nova" branch operates from Monday to Friday, h. 09:30-17:00, and on Saturday at 10:00-15:30. The full list and schedule of Ameriabank branches can be found here.
We inform you that the interest rates of "Ameria" deposit in US dollars and Euros have been changed. The mentioned changes will take effect from February 1 of this year. Existing deposits will be subject to the new interest rates upon renewal.
We inform you that Ameriabank CJSC "Arshakunyats" branch will not operate this year. from January 16 to 17 inclusive (Saturday and Sunday).
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