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We inform you that "Ameriabank" CJSC has implemented changes in the terms of service and rules of use of payment cards.

Notice of working hours

14 Sep, 2016 | Announcements, All |
We would like to inform you that from September 19, the operating hours of Ameriabank's "Youth", "Arshakunyats" and "Arshakunyats Plus" branches will be changed.
We inform you that the interest rates of "Ameria" deposit have been changed. The mentioned changes will be effective from September 22 of this year. Existing deposits will be subject to the new interest rates upon renewal.
According to the Central Bank of RA dated 01/09/2016 According to decision No. 1/625A, Oleg Tsarkov was registered as a member of the Board of Directors of "Ameriabank" CJSC.
We inform you that the new "Gyumri" branch of Ameriabank will be opened soon in Gyumri city. In order to recruit the staff of the branch, Ameriabank is announcing a tender for 8 new vacancies from August 22.
We inform you that this year From August 15 to October 15 inclusive, by making cashless payments with MasterCard and Maestro cards, you will get a chance to win a gift from MasterCard.
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