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According to the decision No. 03-1/17/03 of the Board of Directors of "Ameriabank" CJSC dated April 10, 2017, the Bank's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is convened, which will take place on April 25 of this year, at 3:00 p.m., Grigor Lusavorcchi, Yerevan in the administrative building of "Ameriabank" CJSC located at 9
We inform you that the terms of "Ameriabank" CJSC lending to individuals, as well as retail lending to retail businesses, have been changed.
S.t. On March 28, a joint press conference of "Drops" LLC and "Ameriabank" CJSC took place at the "Armenia Marriott" hotel, during which the new payment tool "Drops" was presented.
S.t. on March 12, a press conference was held at Ameriabank's head office, during which Arman Barseghyan, director of retail operations of Ameriabank, spoke.
"Kumairi" branch of Ameriabank was opened
We inform you that this year on March 8, only Ameriabank's Arshakunyats, Arshakunyats Plus and Youth branches will operate.