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Please be informed that the placement of AMAMRBB2TER6 bonds was completed on December 30, 2020.

New Year's campaign

25 Dec, 2019 | Announcements, All |
If you have an active term deposit in Ameriabank, but you don't have a payment card yet, then this offer is just for you.
We inform you that changes have been made to the "Ameriabank" CJSC "Tariffs for services provided to individual customers" document.
As part of the cooperation between Ameriabank and AWS, the ScaleUp innovation forum will be held on October 30, which will be attended by experts from prestigious international companies: AWS, VISA, Middleware, Mambu, Softprom. Leading IT, telecommunications and financial sector specialists, mass media representatives are invited to the forum. The forum will be filled with speeches about technological developments and trends, will be accompanied by questions and answers and will continue with a ...
The European Investment Bank (EIB), which is the financial organization of the European Union, continues its active investment activities in Armenia, providing special financing conditions for Armenian enterprises. The feature of the program lies in the fact that lending organizations can get a financial advantage by taking advantage of the preferential conditions of the investment program.
AMAMRBB2BER4 bond fifth coupon payment We inform you that in 2019, "Ameriabank" CJSC On October 18, the fifth coupon payment of AMAMRBB2BER4 bonds was made.
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