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Ameriabank announces the "Make a Change" competition for students, within which students can submit projects aimed at making a difference, improving lives and innovative solutions, the best of which will receive funding from Ameriabank.
Dear customer, We would like to inform you that the interest rates on term deposits of individuals in AMD, US dollars, euros and rubles have decreased. The changes will take effect from December 10 of this year and will apply to new and renewing deposits from December 10 of this year.
Join Ameria Generation 14 and make a difference in business and service. Full-time courses, creative discussions and people-centered solutions, professional skills and innovative approaches, mentoring by professional teammates; here is a creative and knowledge-rich environment that will help you learn all about an excellent service culture and become the change you want to see around you.
Get a Visa Classic Moons card for free for 4 years. The promotion is valid from November 22, 2021 to March 31, 2022 inclusive.

Updating systems

19 Nov, 2021 | Announcements, All |
Dear client, Due to the system update, from 11/20/21 at 01:00 to 11/20/21 at 08:00 including Online/Mobile Banking, Smart Account and Online Loans services will not be available.
From November 25, 2021 to February 11, 2022, including, "AMERIABANK" CJSC plans to allocate nominal coupon non-documentary bonds through a public offer, under the following conditions:
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