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Please be informed that in view of the tension along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Ameriabank prolongs the term of the privilege offered to individual and legal entity borrowers of Jermuk branch of the Bank.
Dear customer,
We would like to inform you that changes have been made to the below-mentioned documents operating in "Ameriabank" CJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Bank).
Dear customer,
We inform you that the service of replenishment of foreign currency bank accounts through online payment systems and terminals will be unavailable until 2022. November 01.
Please be informed that in view of the tension along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, the Bank offers an opportunity to individual and legal entity borrowers of Jermuk, Kapan and Kajaran branches of the Bank to avail of the privilege of paying their credit liabilities towards the Bank
AMERIABANK CJSC is publicly offering nominal coupon book-entry bonds during the period from September 7, 2022 to November 18, 2022, inclusive, on the following terms and conditions:
AMERIABANK CJSC is publicly offering nominal coupon book-entry bonds during the period from September 7, 2022 to November 18, 2022, inclusive, on the following terms and conditions: