News | Ameriabank
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If you have to make transactions on March 8, note that the following branches working long hours will be open to serve you:
Ameriabank has revised its car loan terms. From now on car loans by Ameriabank will be provided without provisioning, maintenance and early repayment fees.
Please note that henceforth users of MyAmeria can withdraw cash with the help of the new service - “Cash withdrawal via MyAmeria”.
Please be informed that Ameriabank CJSC (hereinafter - the Bank) suspends provision of Ameriastream service from February 14, 2024 until July 02, 2024, inclusive.  
Please be informed that the placement of “Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC AMD bonds ended on February 09, 2024, the announced bonds with a nominal volume of 32 billion AMD were fully placed.
Ameriabank CJSC has issued and is publicly offering nominal coupon book-entry bonds during the period from February 15, 2024 to April 26, 2024, inclusive, with the following terms and conditions:
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