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We inform you that Ameriabank's brokerage service rates have been changed. The amended conditions will enter into force on from June 20.
We inform you that this year on June 4, only "Arshakunyats", "Arshakunyats Plus" and "Youth" branches of Ameriabank will operate.
We inform you that this year On May 28, only "Arshakunyats", "Arshakunyats Plus" and "Youth" branches of Ameriabank will operate. In case of urgent problems with the cards, please call (010) 561111.
Statement on changes in the terms of providing banking services to individuals and legal entities
We inform you that "Ameriabank" CJSC lending conditions for individuals have been changed. The changes will be effective from May 6 of this year.
AMERIABANK CJSC invites the specialized organizations that build the Managed Cable Systems (CMS) to involve the pre-qualification bank in the CMS construction (design, construction, certification, supply of materials) processes.