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"Ameriabank" CJSC invites furniture manufacturing and importing companies and agents to the bank's V. Tender for furnishing about 400 workplaces in the branch of Sargsyan 2 building.
We would like to inform you that "Ameriabank" CJSC Lending conditions for Individuals have been changed. The bank also offers a new type of loan - real estate mortgage financing limit, which will be effective from October 20 of this year.
We inform you that the conditions of the Loyalty Program of "Ameriabank" CJSC for Individual customers have been changed. In particular:
We would like to inform you that the terms of the transfer of small and medium business loans to Ameriabank and the refinancing of mortgage and consumer loans are extended until 31.10.2016 under the same conditions.
We inform you that "Ameriabank" CJSC has made changes in the documents and information necessary for opening an account, deposit, payment card and safety deposit box at "Ameriabank" CJSC. The new conditions will apply this year. from September 30.
We inform you that "Ameriabank" CJSC has implemented changes in the terms of service and rules of use of payment cards.
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