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We inform you that in 2018, "Ameriabank" CJSC on November 1, the payment of the seventh coupon of AMAMRBB24ER7 bonds was made.
Redemption of AMAMRBB22ER1 bonds and payment of the eighth coupon was carried out We inform you that in 2018, "Ameriabank" CJSC On November 1, AMAMRBB22ER1 bonds were redeemed and the eighth coupon was paid
October 30, 2018 On the occasion of the International Savings Day, October 31, Ameriabank is launching a three-day campaign, offering special conditions for a number of services.
On the occasion of the International Savings Day, October 31, a number of services of Ameriabank will be provided under special conditions.
Apply this year on October 29, World Internet Day for online banking service and activate it with the following special conditions:
Ameriabank was awarded two prizes at the "Best Member 2017" award ceremony of NASDAQ OMX Armenia and Central Depository of Armenia.
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