News | Ameriabank
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Ameriabank announces the launch of a new campaign for Visa Classic Student cards.
Please be informed that Mashtots Branch of Ameriabank (Passage N1, 20/4 Mashtots Ave.) will be temporarily closed for engineering works starting from August 31, 2024.
Please be informed that Arshakunyats Plus branch located in Yerevan Mall shopping center will no longer operate from September 1st
Please be informed that Ameriabank CJSC (hereinafter - the Bank) Terms and Tariffs of Card Linking and Usage in MyAmeria (for Armenian bank cards) have been amended. 
Euromoney, a leading international financial publication, has named Ameriabank the Best Bank of Armenia in its Awards for Excellence 2024 ceremony in London. This marks the 10th time that Ameriabank has received this prestigious honor since 2011.
During the period from August 01, 2024 to September 30, 2024, inclusive, AMERIABANK CJSC  is arranging the public offering of “Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC  (“ENA”) nominal coupon book-entry bonds with the following terms and conditions:
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