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AMAMRBB28ER8 Bond Eighth Coupon Payment We inform you that in 2019, "Ameriabank" CJSC On October 9, the payment of the eighth coupon of AMAMRBB28ER8 bonds was carried out.
Ability to locate Ameriabank branches and ATMs through the Virtlo application
We inform you that due to the possibility of introducing new technologies in payment cards, Cirrus Maestro and VISA Electron card types will be withdrawn from circulation starting from 25.09.19. Moreover, the current card types will continue to be served without any change of conditions.
AMAMRBB2DER0 bond second coupon payment We inform you that in 2019, "Ameriabank" CJSC On September 24, the second coupon payment of AMAMRBB2DER0 bonds was made
The second coupon payment of AMAMRBB2DER0 bonds has been made We inform you that in 2019, "Ameriabank" CJSC On September 24, the payment of the second coupon of AMAMRBB2DER0 bonds was made.
Ameriabank was awarded the Trade Finance Award 2019 by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). "Best partner bank in Armenia" award.
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