News | Ameriabank
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Dear customers, taking care of you, Ameriabank, together with the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as the State Revenue Committee) introduced a new way of submitting information and applications to the tax authority regarding the interest paid on real estate acquisition and construction loans.
Dear customers, taking into account the significant reduction in the number of transactions in the branches under the state of emergency, from March 26 Ameriabank "Moskovyan" and "Gr. "Lusavorich" branches will be temporarily closed, and "Nor Nork" branch will work from Monday to Friday, from 10:30 to 18:00.
Dear customers, we would like to inform you that a number of creative methods - fake raffles or winnings - are widespread on the Internet, through which a third party aims to illegally take over your bank data and, as the final goal, financial funds.
Dear customers, we inform you that these days, taking into account the measures taken to prevent the coronavirus in RA, Ameriabank branches are working at maximum capacity
Attempts to gain access to personal and banking data through forgery have intensified recently. Fraudsters generally aim to extract personal information from you by using it for fraudulent or fraudulent purposes.
How are Armenian banks responding to the problems caused by the new coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19? What is being done to support customers and protect their health? Artak Hanesyan, General Director of Ameriabank, answered these questions of information agency.
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