News | Ameriabank
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Global Finance reputable magazine has published the list of winners of the World’s Best Investment Banks 2022 Award, naming Ameriabank the “Best Investment Bank in Armenia” for the seventh year in a row.   


28 Feb, 2022 | All, Announcements |
Considering the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and the geopolitical situation created around it, please refrain from receiving international transfers through the foreign currency (USD, EUR) accounts of Sberbank and Alfa-Bank.
Within the framework of the 10th annual trade financing awards organized by IFC (International Finance Corporation), a member of the World Bank Group, Ameriabank was awarded another award: the Bank was recognized as "2021 Bank of the Year". the best issuing bank in the Caucasus".
The Ameria Generation program is once again opening its doors to young people. Since 2012, thanks to Ameria Generation, many young people have started their professional path, and today they are creating and making their way to success in Ameriabank.
Since this year from February 19, the "Yeritasardakan" branch will operate according to its standard schedule.

New call service system

15 Feb, 2022 | Announcements, All |
Ameriabank Contact Center already serves you with 010 56 1111 and 012 56 1111 phone numbers and a new voice service with many improvements and features.
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