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02 May, 2022 | Announcements, All |
We would like to inform you that Ameriabank provides an opportunity to use the principal and interest payment grace period until 31.05.22 under the credit obligations assumed to the Bank*. including if the obligation to be paid on the regular repayment day of the given month has not been settled or has been partly settled.
Ameriabank rolls out payment cards with new design developed with involvement of the bank customers. The main feature of the new design concept is the coats of arms of Armenian kingdoms and ruling dynasties. 

Work schedule for April 24

19 Apr, 2022 | All, Announcements |
We inform you that Ameriabank branches will not be open on April 24. For urgent problems with your card, please contact us on (010) 561111 and (012) 561111.
The final stage of the student contest “Be the Change” organized jointly by Ameriabank and VISA payment system was held today. The contest started in December, 2021. Within the framework of the contest, teams comprised of 4-6 students were invited to submit innovative ideas aimed at making change in the life of people, a social group, a branch of science, or sector of economy.
Ameriabank CJSC  has issued and is publicly offering nominal coupon book-entry bonds during the period from May 23, 2022 to August 05, 2022, inclusive, with the following terms and conditions:
"Ameriabank" CJSC /hereinafter "the Bank"/ based on the decision of the Board of Directors, an Annual General Meeting of the Bank's Shareholders has been convened, which will take place on April 28 of this year, at 5:30 p.m. Yerevan time, at 2 Vazgen Sargsyan Street, Yerevan Via video conference (Zoom) at the Head Office of "Ameriabank" CJSC.
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