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19 Jul, 2022 | Announcements, All |
Please be informed that Ameriabank offers a grace period on the credit obligations* described below. The offer is valid until 31.08.22
Euromoney has named Ameriabank the Best Bank of Armenia in its Awards for Excellence 2022, which were announced at a ceremony in London.
Ameriabank CJSC  has issued and is publicly offering nominal coupon book-entry bonds during the period from July 14, 2022 to September 20, 2022, inclusive, with the following terms and conditions:
According to the Republic of Armenia Law On Non-Cash Transactions (the “Law”), starting from July 1, 2022, payments under any transaction for the amount exceeding AMD 300,000 specified in the law and executed in Armenia should be in a non-cash manner. According to the Law, any entity engaged in trade or provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the “Merchant”), other than kiosks, must provide a possibility of card payments upon the customer’s wish.
On July 2-4, Gyumri hosted one of the major technology events of the year, Tech Week 2022 (GTW). Ameriabank, the largest financial and technological institution in Armenia which continuously invests in new technology by focusing on ecosystems, joined the 3-day tech event as a partner and general sponsor of Cybersecurity Hackathon.
We inform you that this year on July 5, "Yeritasardakan", "Arshakunyats", "Kochar", "Nor Nork", "Dalma" and "Mashtots" branches will operate from 10:30 to 21:15.
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