News | Ameriabank
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During the period from December 11, 2023 to February 09, 2024, inclusive, AMERIABANK CJSC  is arranging the public offering of “Electric Networks of Armenia” CJSC  (“ENA”) nominal coupon book-entry bonds with the following terms and conditions:
Eligible customers are RA citizen and non-citizen customers who wish to receive salary and salary-equivalent payments via the card issued within the scope of the package offered by Ameriabank CJSC.
Ameriabank has been recognized as the Best Bank for Digital Solutions in Armenia for the year 2023, as announced by Euromoney magazine in its Awards for Excellen
Cashback AMD 5000 for consumer finance clients
On November 12, from 10:00 to 13:00, we will be performing technical maintenance on the MyAmeria. During this time, you may experience limited access to the app or its functionalities.
Using Ameriabank’s MyInvest platform, it is already possible to open a brokerage account online within minutes and without visiting the bank. Having opened an account, clients can trade securities online, 24/7, with uninterrupted access to the investment portfolio. 
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