News | Ameriabank
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We inform you that the MoneyGram money transfer system will temporarily stop working on Sunday, 18.10.2015, from 09:25 to 14:00, for the purpose of technical updating of the system.

Turn purchases into gifts

12 Oct, 2015 | Announcements, All |
From October 15 to December 15, by making 30 or more non-cash transactions in the amount of AMD 300,000 or more or equivalent foreign currency (excluding online payments) with MasterCard and Maestro cards, you will receive one of 180 tablets raffled off by "ArmenianCard" CJSC and MasterCard. chance to win
Ameriabank participated in the DigiTech Expo-2015 annual technology exhibition on October 2-4.
2015 On October 5, a contract was signed between Ameriabank and CR2. CR2 is one of the world's leading companies offering the latest solutions for remote banking systems and self-service devices, with more than 100 customers in 60 countries around the world. This is CR2's first project in Armenia.
Ameriabank, together with the Irish company CR2, presents the implementation program of the new BankWorld system (omnichannel banking platform) of remote multifunctional banking services. This is CR2's first project in Armenia.
Ameriabank presented two innovations at the international technological exhibition "DigiTech-2015". The first innovation is the joint project with Yucom company, "TV Banking".
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