We continue to discover Armenia. Until May 31 inclusive, Ameriabank cardholders can reserve rooms at Amberd Hotel with a 35% discount and use the pub with a 15% discount.
Ameriabank CJSC has issued and is publicly offering nominal coupon book-entry bonds during the period from May 03, 2021 to July 09, 2021, inclusive, with the following terms and conditions:
we inform you that On May 1, the Sayat-Nova branch will not operate due to the repair works.
If you need to carry out transactions in the bank's branches, you can visit our other branches operating on non-working days and with extended working hours.
В окончательных условиях номинальных купонных бездокументарных облигаций ЗАО «АМЕРИАБАНК», публичное размещения которых началось с 12 апреля 2021 года (далее - Облигации), произошла перемена. Дата окончания размещения устанавливается в 30 апреля 2021г, вместо 22 июня 2021г. Все остальные условия размещения выпуска остались неизменными.
Dear customers, we would like to inform you that on April 29 of this year, between 00:00 and 2:00, network equipment software upgrades will be performed, as a result of which all Ameriabank services, except ATMs and incoming/outgoing calls, will be suspended. will be unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Ameriabank cardholders continue to discover Armenia with us. Until April 30 inclusive, there is a 35% discount at Amberd Hotel. Note that the current discount is not added to other discounts in the hotel.