News | Ameriabank
My Ameria
Մոբայլ բանկինգ
Dear customers, we inform you that, starting from from October 8, the "Grigor Lusavorich" branch of Ameriabank will not operate. You can carry out your banking transactions at the nearest "Kamar" and "Arshakunyats" branches.
Rating agency S&P Global Ratings upgraded Ameriabank's outlook to "positive" instead of the previous "stable" and reaffirmed the bank's B+/B long-term and short-term ratings.
The prestigious magazine "Global Finance" published the annual ranking of the most reliable banks in the world. Ameriabank was recognized as the "Most Reliable Bank of the Year" in Armenia.
Dear customer, We would like to inform you that changes have been made to the below-mentioned documents operating in "Ameriabank" CJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Bank).
Address: c. Hrazdan, Microdistrict, Z. Andraniki Avenue 139, 139/3, 139/4. On the occasion of the opening, all our new customers can take advantage of a special offer.
We inform you that Ameriabank provides an opportunity to take advantage of the grace period for the payment of credit obligations* of Individuals under the description below committed to the Bank until 31/10/2021.
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