Please be informed that changes have been made in the time deposits in AMD in the Description and Interest Rates of Ameriabank CJSC Deposits and Savings Accounts for Individuals.
Ameriabank has been named the Bank of the Year 2022 in Armenia by The Banker Magazine, a leading global finance news publication affiliated with the Financial Times (FT). Winners of the Bank of the Year Awards were announced at the 2022 Banker Awards ceremony held on December 1 in London.
Users of MyAmeria application are offered to discover all features of the new application, to take advantage of new services and privileges.
Starting November 30, Ameriabank’s Kochar Branch (address: 8 Papazyan St., Rio Mall Trade Center, Yerevan) will work its regular schedule, i.e. Monday to Sunday, from 10:30 AM to 9:15 PM.
Please be informed that in view of the tension along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Ameriabank offers individual and legal entity borrowers having signed loan agreements (hereinafter “the Agreements”) with Jermuk branch of the Bank a grace period for performance of the respective liabilities until December 31, 2022, inclusive.
Ameriabank CJSC has issued and is publicly offering nominal coupon book-entry bonds during the period from December 01, 2022 to February 10, 2023, inclusive, with the following terms and conditions: