News | Ameriabank
My Ameria
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Ameriabank has launched a new payment acceptance service called MyAmeriaPay, allowing our customers to make payments directly from the MyAmeria app.
Ameriabank is holding a promotional raffle “Going to Black Eyed Peas concert” for its Instagram followers. 
Ameriabank is holding a promotional raffle “Going to Black Eyed Peas concert” for its Facebook followers. 
On June 18, 2024 AMERIABANK CJSC  will arrange the public offering of FIRST MORTGAGE COMPANY UCO CJSC  nominal coupon book-entry bonds with the following terms and conditions
Please be informed that Arshakunyats Branch will be temporarily closed for renovation from June 14, 2024 until July 17, 2024 inclusive. If you need to visit a branch to execute your banking transactions, you are welcome at other branches of Ameriabank that work long hours and on weekends.
Ameriabank CJSC  has issued and is publicly offering nominal coupon book-entry bonds during the period from June 13, 2024 to August 23, 2024, inclusive, with the following terms and conditions:
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