New MyAmeriaPay Service Has Been Launched - News | Ameriabank
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New MyAmeriaPay Service Has Been Launched

25 Jun, 2024 | Announcements, All | Return|

Ameriabank has launched a new payment acceptance service called MyAmeriaPay, allowing our customers to make payments directly from the MyAmeria app.

In physical sttores, the service will operate through a QR code generated on the POS terminal, while on e-commerce platforms, it will work via a special button.

The MyAmeriaPay service will enable MyAmeria app users to make payments from all their Ameriabank accounts, as well as from their MyPay balance (if available), without needing to enter additional information.

MyAmeriaPay is being gradually rolled out in all retail locations where the service can be technically implemented.

Our partners will be notified about the service launch 10 business days prior to activation.

You can see the service terms here.