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26 Jun, 2018 | All, Announcements | Return|

Dear customer,

Recently, cases have become frequent when clients turn to various intermediary organizations or individuals to get a loan from Ameriabank. Hereby we would like to point out that all these persons have nothing to do with Ameriabank, they mislead customers, as a result of which the latter are forced to pay significant commissions for such "support".

Once again, we urge you to refrain from engaging any third parties or organizations as intermediaries and using similar intermediary services during the process of obtaining a loan from Ameriabank and at all stages of that process. If you have questions or need advice, our specialists will be happy to provide you with any necessary information and/or support in the process of obtaining a loan.

It is especially important to note that intermediary organizations and individuals cannot in any way influence the Bank to make a positive decision and/or shorten the loan granting process. Moreover, in all cases when the Bank has a reasonable doubt about the involvement of an intermediary organization or an individual, the Bank may refuse the loan.

To get the necessary advice, you can choose one of the following options that are most convenient for you:

  • Visit any branch of Ameriabank,
  • Call the Bank's contact center at 010 56 11 11,
  • Write a personal message to Ameriabank's Facebook page or to the official email address

Sincerely, Ameriabank