The base interest rates have been set (from 01/08/2020) - News | Ameriabank
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The base interest rates have been set (from 01/08/2020)

01 Feb, 2019 | Announcements, All | Return|

Dear customer,

We inform you that from 01/08/2020 the following base interest rates have been set: AMD: 6.5%, USD: 1.5%, Euro: 0.5%.

The base rate change dates are February 1 and August 1 of each year.

The base interest rate is posted on the Bank's official website every semester during the first three working days of February and August. At the same time, the posting of interest rate changes on the Bank's website for the Client is considered as proper information and notification of the change for the Client/Borrower.

You can get acquainted with the base interest rates and the agreement "On the definition and calculation of the floating (variable) interest rate" at the following link.

The floating interest rate is applied to contracts in which the fixed 1-year or 3-year interest rate non-revision period has expired.

According to the Loan Agreement signed with Ban and the agreements on the definition and calculation of the Floating Interest Rate, the loan interest rate will increase by 1%, which will be applied from the nearest repayment date after February 1, 2019.

In case of questions, please call (010) 561111 or visit any branch of the Bank on weekdays from 9:30 to 17:00, on Saturdays from 10:00 to 15:30 (Shengavit and Komitas branches) ), "Arshakunyats", "Youth", "Kochar" and "Nor Nork" branches every day at 10:30-21:15, and you can visit the "Sayat-Nova" branch on weekdays at 9:30-21 :15, Saturdays: 10:00-21:15, Sundays: 10:30-21:15.

Sincerely, Ameriabank