Thank you for being with us - News | Ameriabank
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Thank you for being with us

30 Apr, 2020 | Announcements, All | Return|

Our very dear client, for more than a month we have been living and working with an "extraordinary" agenda and "extraordinary" worries, but also with "extraordinary" faith in the future.

Our very dear customer,

For more than a month, we have been living and working with an "extraordinary" agenda and "extraordinary" worries, but also with "extraordinary" faith in the future.

COVID-19 forced the world economy to live by new rules, formed new priorities, redefined many phenomena, forced us to look at the life around us from a different angle.

These days, encouraging news, hands out for help, and faith that everything is going to be okay are extremely important. We all believe that thanks to joint efforts we will come out of this fight with minimal losses.

We, as a financial institution, as a leader in the banking sector, as a socially responsible organization and as responsible citizens, valuing the health and safety of each and every one, have made urgent decisions dictated by the existing situation and oriented towards the future.

Every decision we make is driven by our sincere desire to find the right solutions and help you identify opportunities.


Since the first day of the spread of the infection, we have been strictly following the norms set by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia: round-the-clock disinfection of branches, ATMs, terminals, control of employees' well-being, organization of remote work of employees belonging to vulnerable groups, strict observance of the specified norms of service in branches.


We were the first to support our clients who were in a difficult situation.

Support to all our clients who are individuals and sole proprietors, support to small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the most vulnerable sectors: tourism, hospitality, public catering, transport and agriculture. Thanks to "Loan Holiday", our customers can postpone regular repayments of loans, including principal amounts, accrued interest, maintenance and other fees, which will not lead to any negative consequences.


Taking care of our customers, we have introduced a new way of submitting information and applications to the tax authority regarding the interest paid on real estate acquisition and construction loans, together with the RA State Revenue Committee, so that there is no need to leave the house, get a reference from the bank and submit the SRC.


Privileged conditions for using Ameriabank's Internet/Mobile banking systems. Our customers can do their daily banking transactions remotely, sitting at home, and not risking their health. We are expanding the range of remote services day by day, revised the tariffs for online services, and set a free month for a number of services.


We immediately responded to the proposal of the RA Government and joined the assistance program provided within the framework of the measures to neutralize the economic consequences of the coronavirus, which supports enterprises affected by the state of emergency. We hope that the loans provided with preferential terms and conditions will slightly ease the everyday worries of enterprises. We have also joined the 8th and 9th measures of the government's plan to neutralize the social consequences of the coronavirus.

Thank you

Thank you to the medical workers on the front lines of the fight against the coronavirus. We know they fight for our health every day. The 20 million drams provided to more than 200 medical workers of the Nork Infectious Disease Hospital is our humble thanks to them. Thank you to everyone who provides round-the-clock service these days to ensure the continuity of normal processes in our country.


We believe that any step towards the future will become a great achievement tomorrow. We allocated 10 million drams to the United Nations Children's Fund to purchase electronic learning tools for 112 school children in the marzes. We are sure that education is the key to the development of our country.

Thank you for being by our side and being a part of our big family.

We are sure that we will come out of this struggle with new experience, stronger will and doubled optimism.

We wish you and your families good health.

Your Ameriabank