S&P revised Ameriabank's outlook to "stable" - News | Ameriabank
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S&P revised Ameriabank's outlook to "stable"

10 Jun, 2021 | Announcements, All | Return|

The rating agency S&P Global Ratings has revised Ameriabank's outlook to "stable" instead of the previous "negative" and reaffirmed the long-term and short-term ratings assigned to the bank at B+/B.

Ameriabank's own creditworthiness (SACP) bb- rating is one step higher than the long-term B+ rating, as the latter is capped by Armenia's sovereign creditworthiness.
The review of Ameriabank's perspective is due to 2021. With a certain stabilization of the macroeconomic and banking environment in Armenia. According to S&P, Armenia's real GDP in 2021 will register an increase of 2.5%, and in 2022-2023 - by 4.5%.
According to S&P, Ameriabank has a good chance of maintaining its leading position in Armenia, given the recovering macroeconomic environment and the bank's brand recognition in the local market, professional management team, digitalization strategy and corporate governance.
The stable outlook reflects S&P's predictions that the bank's sufficient liquidity, prudent risk management and trusted brand will enable it to withstand potential future challenges.