Invitation to tender for furniture supply (AD-04) - News | Ameriabank
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Invitation to tender for furniture supply (AD-04)

24 Oct, 2016 | Announcements, All | Return|

"Ameriabank" CJSC invites furniture manufacturing and importing companies and agents to the bank's V. Tender for furnishing about 400 workplaces in the branch of Sargsyan 2 building.
The tender includes the following LOTS:

  • Standard office tables
  • Ergonomic office chairs
  • Soft furniture
  • A collection of premium office furniture
  • Kitchen and built-in cabinets (can also be manufactured in RA)

The product presented in lots 1-4 must comply with ISO9001:2015, ENI/ISO/IEC 17065:2012, ENI/ISO/IEC 21015:2007 and ENI/ISO/IEC 21016:2007 standards. Samples and certifications may be requested from entrants prior to selection. The interested company will be provided with detailed terms of reference and evaluation criteria after signing a confidentiality agreement. An interested company can participate with any LOT.

Interested participants can get additional information on the telephone number below, on working days from 10:00 to 17:00.
Please, in case of interest, send a letter stating the name of the company and attach a copy of the state registry certificate, and in the case of natural person agents, a copy of the passport. Send the letter and attached documents to address until 2016 November 1, at 17:00.

For more information, contact Hayk Mesropyan, senior purchasing specialist, at address or phone number 010-56-11-11.