How does Armenia attract millennials? Why do they decide to return to their homeland, change their lifestyle and connect their lives with the homeland forever?
Millennial Hakob Tekrmejian, who returned to Armenia from the city of Aleppo in Syria in 2018, answers these and a number of other questions and shares his experience with us. Now Hakob works as a Premium Client Manager at Ameriabank, a partner of the "Return to Armenia" fund.
Hakob was born and raised in Aleppo, surrounded by national traditions and culture. He studied at an Armenian school and attended an Armenian Sunday school. Hakob remembers Sunday school with special warmth and a smile, and his love for it is the reason for him to continue his studies at the Armenian school. Here he gets to know the Armenian church and culture closely.
After graduating from high school, Hakob decides to continue his studies in the field of economics. He successfully graduated from the University of Aleppo, and since he had a great desire to try his hand at a new field, he continued his studies in the field of law during the war, obtaining a master's degree in jurisprudence.
Hakob starts working in different companies. Economic, legal education and knowledge of 4 languages create great professional opportunities for him.
In 2017, when all of Hakob's time was occupied by work and studies, he decided to come to Armenia for the first time with his mother and sister.
"Aleppo's Armenian community was very large. Of course, we communicated a lot in Armenian, but everything is different in Armenia. You are not a minority here, this is your country and everyone understands you. I visited all the places that every Diaspora Armenian knows and has heard about. And my heart and soul just stayed in Armenia. The first visit to the homeland causes indescribable feelings in the heart of every Armenian. "I would like to return", "I will return", "I want to move to Armenia". here are the thoughts that were bothering me. I knew one day I would be back here forever."
Returning to Syria, Jacob's life continues in the same way: study, work, war, family. The idea of moving to Armenia seems very close and logical, despite Hakob's fears of not knowing the Eastern Armenian language, being unfamiliar with the living and working conditions.
And Hakob begins to explore the possibilities of living and working in Armenia.
2018 in April, Hakob makes his choice and becomes a participant in the historical events taking place in Armenia, the "Velvet Revolution". "In those days, I walked a lot on the streets of Yerevan and every time I passed by the head office of Ameriabank, I said to myself: how wonderful it would be to work here. I sent my CV to many companies hoping to find a job and stay in Armenia. Ameriabank was the first on that list."
During his stay in Armenia, he does not receive a response from any company. Yerevan-Aleppo tickets were booked in 2018. for May 17, but an important phone call on May 16 changes his plans forever. He receives a call from Ameriabank and is invited to a job interview.
The interview takes place on the 6th floor of the Ameriabank headquarters, which is shaped like an airport. It seemed to be a sign to Jacob that he would fly to Syria tomorrow to try to get back at all costs. The first interview leaves a great impression on Hakob and his desire to work at Ameriabank doubles. The second interview is already being conducted from Aleppo, online and turning into a turning point for him. He leaves his life and work in Syria and returns to his homeland with great enthusiasm for a new life and new challenges.
At first, Hakob goes through an internship at the Bank to learn about the work of the banking sector, and after some time he is already employed.
The new work environment quickly becomes familiar and dear to Jacob, he makes friends with colleagues who are always ready to support him. Ameriabank gives Hakob the opportunity to acquire new professional skills and knowledge, and after working as a cashier for more than a year, Hakob is transferred to another department as a manager of Premium customers.
"My three secrets to success.
- For me, I have clearly imagined that I will not just come to the homeland for a few years and return, but I will live here permanently, this has helped me build long-term plans and a bridge of dreams."
- "Before I returned to my homeland forever, I studied in detail all the possibilities of moving here and risked implementing them."
- "I am simply optimistic, I was ready to accept changes, face difficulties and be open to new challenges, and I believed that the doors of success will definitely open before me."
By the way, Ameriabank realized another one of Hakob's cherished dreams by gifting him a trip to Western Armenia.
Source: repatarmenia.org