Ameriabank will direct the 20 million USD loan provided by OFID to the development of SMEs - News | Ameriabank
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Ameriabank will direct the 20 million USD loan provided by OFID to the development of SMEs

09 Jun, 2015 | Press release, All | Return|

OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and Ameriabank signed an agreement to provide a loan to Ameriabank in the amount of USD 20 million. The loan is provided for a period of 7 years and will be directed to the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Armenia, which provide 35-40% of the country's gross domestic product.
It should be noted that OFID is acting for the first time in Armenia with such one-time financing.

"Ameriabank highly values the establishment of new partnership relations with OFID. Attracting new means of financing will enable us to increase the volume of lending to SMEs, will provide a long-term financing opportunity for SMEs, which will significantly contribute to the expansion of their activities, increase of competitiveness, creation of new jobs, further development of Armenia's economy", said the Chairman-Chief of the Directorate of Ameriabank director Artak Hanesyan.

Ameriabank has expanded its cooperation with international reputable structures, and as a result of effective cooperation, it has attracted financial resources in the total amount of 320 million US dollars.