A new way of submitting references to the tax authority - News | Ameriabank
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A new way of submitting references to the tax authority

27 Mar, 2020 | All, Announcements | Return|

Dear customers, taking care of you, Ameriabank, together with the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as the State Revenue Committee) introduced a new way of submitting information and applications to the tax authority regarding the interest paid on real estate acquisition and construction loans.

Dear customers,

Taking care of you, Ameriabank, together with the RA State Revenue Committee (hereafter SRC), introduced a new way of submitting information and applications to the tax authority regarding the interest paid on real estate acquisition and construction loans.

2020 there is no need to physically receive a reference from the bank and submit it to the SRC regarding the interest payments paid in the first quarter. In order to send the reference directly to the SRC by the Bank, it is necessary to submit an online application through the Internet/Mobile Bank systems.

If there are other documents to be submitted to the SRC for interest refund, you can submit them to the tax authority through the postal service.

Due to the spread of the coronavirus, the State Revenue Committee suggests borrowers (co-borrowers) to send signed and scanned applications for refund of income tax paid in the amount of money paid for mortgage loan servicing (except for first-time applications) to the e-mail address hipoteq@taxservice.am.

Taking into account the fact that the works are carried out remotely, in order to carry them out properly, together with the application, the video-encoded version of the passport (identification card) of the individual borrower and/or co-borrower, as well as the form presented below, must be submitted exclusively electronically.