Fast shift payment terminal
My Ameria
Մոբայլ բանկինգ

Pay online

"Fast Shift" payment terminals

Fast and without visiting the Bank

Pay via "Fast Shift"

Using the terminals of Fast Shift LLC, you can perform the following operations 24/7:

Loan repayment

Topping up bank accounts

Topping up card accounts

fastshift logo

Address 20 G.Hovsepyan, Norq-Marash, Yerevan 0047, RA Phone +374 10 510010

Fees and limits

Type of service

Via Fastshift terminals

Transaction fee

Single payment limit

Topping up an account

AMD 200

AMD 1,000-100,000

Topping up a card account

AMD 200

AMD 1,000-100,000

Loan repayment

AMD 200

AMD 1,000-100,000

Updated 02.08.2022